ST. Furever Freedom Animal Rescue
Frequently Asked Questions
How long has ST. Furever been rescuing?
Since 2011
About how many animals has ST. Furever rescued?
Over 200 animals in the first 3 years since 2011; now we are at about 600
What types of animals have you rescued?
Dogs, cats, and a pig -- who knows, maybe we'll throw some more into the mix!
Are you always accepting fosters? How can I become a foster?
Yes, we are always in need of loving foster homes. If you look under the “Foster” tab of this website, there will be a link in the “Foster Application” sub-tab. Click on the link and you will be directed to an application. If you would like more information about becoming a foster contact Tamara at stffar12@hotmail.com.
What is your adoption process like?
Once you have chosen your rescue animal, we will hold the rescue until we can do a “home-check.” All this is, is that we will come to your home with the rescue to see if the rescue gets along with your other animals, and to make sure that the environment is suitable for both you and the rescue’s needs. Once the home-check is cleared, we leave the rescue with you and they become your new furever pet!
What is the best way to contact ST. Furever Freedom?
Email us at sffar12@hotmail.com, or you can send a message to us on our Facebook site, “ST. Furever Freedom Animal Rescue.” We will get back to you as soon as possible.
I found a lost animal, what do I do?
First, you should ask around neighbors and anyone who lives in the area of the lost animal. If you do not find the owners, call local animal shelters and animal control to report a found animal. If you do not get a response, take the animal to a local shelter or vet to see if they are microchipped. If they are, you can find who the animal belongs to and return it to their owner. If they are not microchipped, post flyers and write online. Facebook is a really good way to get the word around. Check on Craigslist’s “lost and found” section to see if the animal you have matches any discriptions of lost animals. Do not ever post that you found an animal on Craigslist (especially any kind of bully breed, as people will pretend the dog is theirs and will use it in dog fighting). If you do not see the animal posted anywhere on Craigslist, chances are, they are not missing them. At this point check any local shelters or foster homes you could place the animal into. For guidance or advice, feel free to email us anytime.
Does St. Furever accept found animals?
We always help however we can; however, due to a limited amount of foster homes, we cannot accept all homeless animals. You can still email us to see if we have any openings. Always make sure the animal doesn’t have an owner looking for them before contacting any other rescue organization! Notice: larceny of a dog is considered a Class I felony in the state of North Carolina. ST. Furever Freedom will not accept any animals that are have been taken from an owners possession without permission and will not become involved in any way.
I just adopted an animal, how long will it take my current pet to accept my new pet?
It depends on the animal and their personality. It can take days, weeks, or even months. For more information on how to introduce your new dog to another animal or new cat to another animal (cats being introduced to other cats are usually trickier than dogs) check out these links!
Introducing a dog to another dog
Introducing a cat to another cat
Introducing a pet to a new baby